Asking the Question, "Should Plastics Be Labeled 'Hazardous' To Reduce Ocean Pollution?"
Every year worldwide, 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used. That is one million every minute of everyday. And that does not included plastic bottles, packaging and the hundred and hundreds of other things we use made from plastic. How are we as a world at recycling them? Well to be honest, not very good at all. So they end up in landfills or the ocean.
Once in the ocean do they disappear? Slowly overtime, they are broken down into small, then tiny bits, but it takes hundreds and hundred of years for them to decompose.Their effect on sea life can be devastating.
So should they be considered "hazardous'? Check out the link to National Geographic's Ocean Views to get their take.
Should Plastics Be Labeled “Hazardous” to Reduce Ocean Pollution?
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